You can make a difference to the lives of lots of people. There are too many mediocre books being massively promoted, while highly valuable works are hidden from sight – because of a lack of reviews. As an ethical publisher, All One Planet doesn’t solicit reviews via incentives or create fake reviews for our authors. Yet authors need reviews to show that their book is of value.
- What is a reader’s book review?
- Why should you take the few minutes it takes to write a review?
- What do you need to know?
- What the 5 Stars mean
What is a reader’s book review?
On every online bookstore, they allow readers to give their opinion of a book they’ve bought. You’re letting potential readers know if, in your opinion, it is a worthwhile read.
Often, they also allow users to give their opinion of a book they have read – if they got a free review book (often called an ARC, or Author Review Copy).
Authors are not allowed to upload your glowing feedback. The customer, or user with an ARC must add it themselves. Some retailers allow a review if you bought the book directly from the author at a book-signing.
A customer book review is not the same as an Editorial Review, so does not need a synopsis of the book.
As a customer, you do not have to read the full book before giving your opinion.

Here is an ARC review for the book, There Are Only 7 Ways to Meditate
“A great book for those new to meditating or those like me who try and still don’t feel they’re doing it properly. Well written.” ~ Debra F.
Why should you take the few minutes it takes to write a review?
Large publishers have systems and the resources to gather hundreds of reviews for their authors. This creates an instant sense of credibility and confirmation in the form of social proof that the book is worthwhile. Indie authors, and small publishers like All One Planet, rely upon genuine readers taking the few minutes to give their honest opinion of their book’s value.
- You are Paying It Forward by giving the author a priceless motivational boost.
- With less than a hundred reviews, every word is read by the author – so your opinion counts!
- Your review adds significantly to the chances of the book being seen, because booksellers ignore books with few reviews.
Here is a longer ARC review for the book, There Are Only 7 Ways to Meditate
“Pretty concise, useful, and to the point, exactly the handbook on meditation I was desperately looking for and almost gave up on ever finding. I’ve been trying to learn to meditate for health reasons but never got the hang of it, and now, because of this book, know why: I made all the mistakes and believed all the myths this book dispels. I couldn’t have asked for a better guide and that it arrived at a time of most need was a plus. I’ll be now recommending this to other people I know that also want to learn to meditate to deal with stress and anxiety.” ~ A.G.
What do you need to know?
- There is no need to finish reading the book to give your opinion. You can change your review later.
- Consider mentioning why you wanted a book on this topic in the first place. This helps those people who are in your shoes.
- Consider mentioning what it has helped you with, or to do, or create, or experience.
- Consider giving a FIVE STARS, unless there is a good reason for reducing the score.
- If your review is less than 5 stars, it is still valuable to the author – especially if you say why you dropped stars.
The personal part of an Editorial Review, for There Are Only 7 Ways to Meditate
“I myself have always thought that meditation would never in a million years work for me. I’m a Type A personality and generally my mind is in a perpetual state of overdrive. But now I’ve learned that I can learn to meditate properly despite these characteristics. There is no need for me to put up roadblocks as this book shows me how I CAN and WILL meditate successfully!” ~ The International Review of Books
What the 5 Stars mean
There is no need to feel “If it’s not perfect, I cannot give it 5 stars“. You could have the attitude, “If the book gives value – despite the odd typo and potential for improvement, is it worth recommending to others = 5 stars.“
5 = Excellent – despite the odd typo and potential for improvement, it is worth recommending to others.
4 = Well written, with new information or inspiration. Marred by grammer, complex writing style, or too much repitition.
3 = Mediocre – has some value but there are many other books with this infomation, so nothing new.
2 = inferior/low quality – with nothing new, not particularly inspiring, or well written. Cannot recommend.
1 = Cannot recommend this rubbish/garbish.
There is a page dedicated to snippets from personal reviews (plus a few Editorial reviews also) HERE for There Are Only 7 Ways to Meditate