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Authors Need Reviews

You can make a difference to the lives of lots of people. There are too many mediocre books being massively promoted, while highly valuable works are hidden from sight – because of a lack of reviews. As an ethical publisher, All One Planet doesn’t solicit reviews via incentives or create fake reviews for our authors. Yet authors need reviews to show that their book is of value. What is a reader’s book review? On every online bookstore, they allow readers to give their opinion of a book they’ve bought. You’re …

Mindfulness or Mindlessness?

You may have heard, since the mind seems to become still and empty of it’s normal chatter when we are engaged in a mindfulness practice then surely the term mindful (mind full) is inaccurate. It should be mindless! As is my way, I look at it from a different angle. What if those saying that don’t have the complete picture of what a full mind means? Mindfulness has the capacity (if you get the right guidance) to help you let go of believing you are the drop of water, when …